Developers who have years of experience and have worked on developing applications with GIT set-up will always realise that GIT has always been a life saver during hard times. Yes, GIT is powerful application that can be used to track all the changes in a project.

Wikipedia definiton of GIT:
Git (/ɡɪt/) is a version control system (VCS) that is used for software development and other version control tasks.

GIT in other words is called as VCS which mean Version Control System (VCS). This is because GIT keep track of all the changes as versions. For example, Version 1, Version 2, etc…

Just because GIT is primarily used for managing the Source code, it is also called as Source Code Management (SCM) tool. Large base of projects around the world are being tracked using the GIT, which included both open source and commercial projects.

The main advantage of GIT is that its a Distributed Version Control System. It is optimized for high performance and speed. The best thing about GIT is that its free, opensource and distributed under the General Public License Version 2.

GIT will keep track of the changes and its called as snapshots. When you make some changes in a file and commit those changes to GIT, GIT will take a snapshot of only those changes and keep track of it such that you can easily revert back whenever needed.

GIT repository is a location where GIT can keep track of all the changes that are happening inside that folder.

GIT was originally created on 2005 by Linus Torvalds who is also the one who developed Linux operating system.

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