Question: What are the different deploy modes in Magento 2? Sample Answer: Following are the different deployment modes in Magento 2:
Category: Magento Interview & Certification Questions
Question(s): Sample Answer: Magento 2 uses nearly 20 design patterns:
Question: How to enable maintenance mode in Magento 2? Sample Answer: Maintenance mode can be enabled by executing the following CLI command from the Magento
Question: What are the class files that get automatically generated in Magento 2? Sample Answer: Following are the class files that are automatically generated in
Question: What only happens in Production Deployment Mode in Magento 2? Sample Answer: Errors are only logged and not shown to the users.
Question: How do you prevent Cross Site Scripting (CSS) attack in Magento 2? Sample Answer: By using/implementing Content Security Policy (CSP).
Questions: Sample Answer: phpcbf means PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer. It is a tool that come along with phpcs (PHP Code Sniffer) tool. Once you
Question: Which is the file that is used to configure RabbitMq in Magento 2? Sample Answer: The RabbitMq is configured in the app/etc/env.php file and
Questions: Sample Answer: The vendor path is specified in the vendor_path.php file located in app/etc/ folder
Question: What design pattern in Magento are you using each time you add something to di.xml? Sample Answer: Dependency Injection